04 February 2025

70 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Semester 2

Bisa jadi bahan ajar Si Kecil!
70 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Semester 2

Foto: Freepik.com

Moms bisa menggunakan contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahan ajar Si Kecil.

Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas 1 SD semester 2 bertujuan untuk mengukur pemahaman dasar terhadap kosakata, kalimat sederhana, serta keterampilan mendengarkan dan berbicara.

Pada tahap ini, anak-anak biasanya sudah mengenal beberapa kata dalam bahasa Inggris, seperti nama-nama benda, angka, warna, dan sapaan sederhana.

Oleh karena itu, soal-soal dalam PTS umumnya dibuat dengan format yang menyenangkan dan interaktif agar sesuai dengan perkembangan kognitif mereka.

Untuk mempersiapkan Si Kecil menghadapi PTS, berikut contoh soal yang bisa dipelajari.

Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Semester 2 Pilihan Ganda

Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris
Foto: Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris (Shutterstock.com)

Berikut contoh soal dan jawabannya:

  1. What is the color of the sky?
    a. Green
    b. Blue
    c. Yellow
    Jawaban: B
  2. How many legs does a cat have?
    a. Two
    b. Four
    c. Six
    Jawaban: B
  3. What do you say when you meet someone in the morning?
    a. Good night
    b. Good morning
    c. Goodbye
    Jawaban: B
  4. What is the opposite of "big"?
    a. Tall
    b. Small
    c. Long
    Jawaban: B
  5. Which one is a fruit?
    a. Apple
    b. Table
    c. Chair
    Jawaban: A
  6. What is the English word for "merah"?
    a. Red
    b. Blue
    c. Green
    Jawaban: A
  7. Which animal can fly?
    a. Fish
    b. Dog
    c. Bird
    Jawaban: C
  8. What is the English word for "air"?
    a. Water
    b. Fire
    c. Wind
    Jawaban: A
  9. How do you say "terima kasih" in English?
    a. Hello
    b. Thank you
    c. Sorry
    Jawaban: B
  10. What is the English word for "satu"?
    a. One
    b. Two
    c. Three
    Jawaban: A
  11. What do you say before sleeping?
    a. Good morning
    b. Good afternoon
    c. Good night
    Jawaban: C
  12. What is the opposite of "happy"?
    a. Sad
    b. Angry
    c. Big
    Jawaban: A
  13. What do we use to write?
    a. Pencil
    b. Eraser
    c. Book
    Jawaban: A
  14. What color is a banana?
    a. Red
    b. Green
    c. Yellow
    Jawaban: C
  15. What do we wear on our feet?
    a. Hat
    b. Shoes
    c. Shirt
    Jawaban: B
  16. Which one is a pet?
    a. Dog
    b. Lion
    c. Tiger
    Jawaban: A
  17. What is the English word for "mata"?
    a. Eye
    b. Nose
    c. Ear
    Jawaban: A
  18. The sun is very...
    a. Hot
    b. Cold
    c. Dark
    Jawaban: A
  19. What animal says "meow"?
    a. Cat
    b. Dog
    c. Cow
    Jawaban: A
  20. How many days are there in a week?
    a. Five
    b. Seven
    c. Ten
    Jawaban: B
  21. What is the opposite of "fast"?
    a. Small
    b. Slow
    c. Big
    Jawaban: B
  22. What do you wear on your head?
    a. Hat
    b. Shoes
    c. Pants
    Jawaban: A
  23. What is the English word for "buku"?
    a. Book
    b. Table
    c. Chair
    Jawaban: A
  24. What number comes after 9?
    a. 8
    b. 10
    c. 7
    Jawaban: B
  25. What is the color of grass?
    a. Blue
    b. Green
    c. Red
    Jawaban: B
  26. What do you drink when you are thirsty?
    a. Water
    b. Fire
    c. Wind
    Jawaban: A
  27. What is the English word for "kursi"?
    a. Chair
    b. Door
    c. Window
    Jawaban: A
  28. What is the opposite of "short"?
    a. Small
    b. Tall
    c. Slow
    Jawaban: B
  29. What is the English word for "pintu"?
    a. Door
    b. Window
    c. Chair
    Jawaban: A
  30. What do you use to eat soup?
    a. Fork
    b. Spoon
    c. Knife
    Jawaban: B
  31. How many fingers do you have?
    a. Five
    b. Ten
    c. Eight
    Jawaban: B
  32. What is the opposite of "up"?
    a. Near
    b. Down
    c. Small
    Jawaban: B
  33. What is the color of an apple?
    a. Red
    b. Purple
    c. Black
    Jawaban: A
  34. Which animal has a long neck?
    a. Elephant
    b. Giraffe
    c. Monkey
    Jawaban: B
  35. What is the opposite of "day"?
    a. Afternoon
    b. Night
    c. Morning
    Jawaban: B
  36. What do you say when you make a mistake?
    a. Hello
    b. Sorry
    c. Goodbye
    Jawaban: B
  37. Which one is used for cutting paper?
    a. Scissors
    b. Spoon
    c. Eraser
    Jawaban: A
  38. What is the English word for "matahari"?
    a. Sun
    b. Moon
    c. Star
    Jawaban: A
  39. What do you use to listen?
    a. Nose
    b. Ear
    c. Mouth
    Jawaban: B
  40. What do you wear on your hands in winter?
    a. Gloves
    b. Sandals
    c. Hat
    Jawaban: A

Selain Bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa contoh soal mata pelajaran lain yang bisa Moms persiapkan, seperti soal PTS matematika.

Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Soal PTS PAI BP Kelas 1 SD, Ajarkan pada Si Kecil!

Contoh Soal Uraian PTS Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris
Foto: Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris (Bmmaindia.com)

Berikut contoh soal dan jawabannya:

  1. Write three colors in English!
    Jawaban: Red, Blue, Yellow (atau warna lain yang benar)
  2. What do you say when you leave the class?
    Jawaban: Goodbye
  3. Write two animals that live in water!
    Jawaban: Fish, Turtle (atau jawaban lain yang benar)
  4. What do you say when you meet someone for the first time?
    Jawaban: Nice to meet you
  5. What is the English word for "ibu"?
    Jawaban: Mother
  6. What is the English word for "rumah"?
    Jawaban: House
  7. What do you say when someone helps you?
    Jawaban: Thank you
  8. Mention two objects you can see in the classroom!
    Jawaban: Chair, Table (atau benda lain yang benar)
  9. What is the opposite of "cold"?
    Jawaban: Hot
  10. What do you use to read?
    Jawaban: Book
  11. Write three numbers in English!
    Jawaban: One, Two, Three (atau angka lain yang benar)
  12. Write two words for greeting someone!
    Jawaban: Hello, Hi
  13. What do you say before eating?
    Jawaban: Thank you (atau Bless this food)
  14. Write two things you can eat!
    Jawaban: Rice, Bread (atau makanan lain yang benar)
  15. What is the English word for "buku"?
    Jawaban: Book
  16. What is the English word for "pintu"?
    Jawaban: Door
  17. How many fingers do you have?
    Jawaban: Ten
  18. Mention two things you wear!
    Jawaban: Shirt, Shoes (atau pakaian lain yang benar)
  19. What is the opposite of "up"?
    Jawaban: Down
  20. Write two animals that can fly!
    Jawaban: Bird, Butterfly (atau jawaban lain yang benar)
  21. Write two body parts in English!
    Jawaban: Hand, Foot (atau jawaban lain yang benar)
  22. What color is an apple?
    Jawaban: Red (atau Green, Yellow, sesuai warna apel yang dikenal siswa)
  23. What do you use to write on the board?
    Jawaban: Chalk (atau Marker)
  24. What is the English word for "kursi"?
    Jawaban: Chair
  25. What is the opposite of "fast"?
    Jawaban: Slow
  26. Write the English word for "matahari"!
    Jawaban: Sun
  27. Mention one animal that can swim!
    Jawaban: Fish (atau Dolphin, Whale, dll.)
  28. What do you wear on your head?
    Jawaban: Hat (atau Cap)
  29. Write one number between 5 and 10!
    Jawaban: Six, Seven, Eight, atau Nine
  30. What do you use to eat soup?
    Jawaban: Spoon

Demikian contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 1 SD yang bisa Moms jadikan bahan ajar. Dengan belajar teratur, Si Kecil dapat melalui PTS dengan lancar.

Selain soal Bahasa Inggris, Moms juga bisa mengajarkan beberapa contoh soal PTS Bahasa Indonesia untuk Si Kecil.

Pastikan Moms juga memberikan bimbingan yang tekun selama masa belajarnya, ya!

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