03 Maret 2024

40+ Kumpulan Doa Sebelum Belajar Kristen Singkat, Pahami!

Ada juga doa dalam bahasa Inggris
40+ Kumpulan Doa Sebelum Belajar Kristen Singkat, Pahami!

Doa Sebelum Belajar Kristen dalam Bahasa Inggris

Anak Berdoa
Foto: Anak Berdoa (www.saintpeters.org)

Doa sebelum belajar Kristen juga bisa diucapkan dalam bahasa lainnya seperti bahasa Inggris.

Di bawah ini, ada beberapa doa sebelum belajar Kristen dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa dicoba, yaitu:

32.“Good God, this morning we are going to start learning teaching at school. Thank you so much for your participation so we can get a good education.”

33.“Bless our efforts to gain knowledge from helpful teachers. Let all activities at this school be done according to Your will. Make this a happy day.”

34.“Oh my God, the last thing we want to ask is to guide us not only to be good academics, but also to be good and sincere. Amen.”

35.“God, before i will study, i hope to you, give me easiness to learn what our teacher show to me and bless our teacher that will teach me. Amen.”

36.“In the name of God we pray. Father in heaven, thank you for all Your blessing today. Now we are going to study, please open our heart and our thinking so our activity can run well, bless and give our teacher of wise to teach us Your children.”

37. "God, I pray that you grant me success in studying for this test. May I work diligently and use my time effectively. Grant me success and good grades."

38."Father God, you know that I need help with studying. Please guide me to better study habits. I realize that I need help in organizing my study time. Please help me do this."

39. "God, as I come to you once again in prayer, I'm reminded of how faithful you are. You've heard and answered my prayers in the past. Therefore, I have faith that you will answer me again as I pray for help with studying for this test."

40. "Loving Heavenly Father, grant me a passion for learning and a longing for wisdom. May I eagerly look forward to study time. Let me not see it as a chore I grudgingly do. Instead, let me see it as an opportunity to grow."

41. "Lord, I know you are with me and love me. Give me peace of mind as I prepare for this time of study. Help me to focus on my books and notes, Keep me from all distractions so that I will make the best use of this time that is available to me."

42. "Lord, I cannot believe how much time I waste. Please help me be more intense about my studies. I really am interested in the things that the professor says in class."

Baca Juga: Rekomendasi Aksesori Meja Belajar agar Anak Makin Semangat Belajar

Tidak sulit kan doa sebelum belajar Kristen dalam bahasa Inggris?

Doa Setelah Belajar dalam Bahasa Inggris

Anak Berdoa Sebelum Belajar
Foto: Anak Berdoa Sebelum Belajar (www.cjmwaverley.org)

Selain doa sebelum belajar Kristen dalam bahasa Inggris, ada juga doa setelah belajar Kristen dalam bahasa Inggris seperti yang ada di bawah ini!

43.“Father in heaven. Thank you for Your blessing that we could understand what we have learned. Please bless our teacher who have taught us. Now we're going to back home, please protect us so we arrive home safely.”

44.“God, i just study today, hope my knowledge that i got today can be useful for me and people. Always give me healthly to learn more about knowledge. Amen.”

45. “Thank you God for today. Thank you for all your guidance, thank for all the people I met, thanks for the activities I could do, thanks for this love in my heart.”

Baca Juga: 20 Nama Bayi Perempuan Kristen yang Artinya Anugerah Tuhan

Itulah beberapa kumpulan doa sebelum belajar Kristen dan juga doa penutup belajarnya.

Coba amalkan doa sebelum belajar Kristen di atas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari ya!

  • https://bersamakristus.org/contoh-doa-belajar-kristen/
  • https://kristenly.com/doa-belajar-kristen/
  • https://www.happierhuman.com/prayer-before-studying/

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