08 Maret 2024

130 Ucapan Hari Perempuan Internasional, Penuh Harapan

Selamat Hari Perempuan Internasional, Moms!
130 Ucapan Hari Perempuan Internasional, Penuh Harapan

Foto: Freepik

Ucapan Hari Perempuan Internasional untuk Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ucapan Hari Perempuan Sedunia
Foto: Ucapan Hari Perempuan Sedunia (Pexels.com/THIS IS ZUN)

Selain menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, Moms juga ungkapkan ucapan Hari Perempuan Sedunia dalam bahasa Inggris!

  1. Everytime a woman stands up for herself, without claiming it, she stands up for all women
  2. There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish
  3. She is a Dreamer, she is a believer, she is a doer, she is an achiever, and that she is “You”. Happy Women’s Day, my lovely Mom!
  4. I wish you could see from my eyes how much you are one gem of a woman! Happy Women's Day!
  5. Happy International Women's Day! Be proud of yourself, don't let anyone tell you you're weak because you're a woman!
  6. Only a woman can almost die and give birth at the same time. Be proud to be a woman. Happy Women's Day!
  7. Happy International Women's Day to all the women who have overcome challenges and continue to push boundaries. You are an inspiration to us all.
  8. To all the women who have refused to be defined by society's expectations, happy International Women's Day. Keep being unapologetically you!
  9. Happy women’s day! The world is happy because you are here to make it smile.No other creature in the universe is as good and beautiful as women. You deserve the utmost love and respect.
  10. As a mother you nature a child and show him the way to become a better human being. Salutations and a very happy Women’s Day.
  11. May every woman in the world find strength within herself to pursue her dreams and achieve happiness.
  12. Our prayers for women worldwide: may they be empowered to overcome all obstacles and find peace in every step they take.
  13. International Women's Day is a day to celebrate the courage, resilience, and beauty of women worldwide. May all women feel valued and respected.
  14. In our prayers, we ask that every woman be given equal opportunities to thrive and reach her full potential.
  15. International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the achievements of women in all fields and pray for gender equality to become a reality worldwide.
  16. May today mark the beginning of positive change for women worldwide, where they can live free from discrimination and violence.
  17. In our prayers, we ask for women worldwide to be given the courage to speak up and be treated with fairness and respect.
  18. May every woman feel supported and respected in their efforts to achieve their aspirations and build a better future.
  19. Our prayers accompany every woman in the world, giving them strength to overcome any obstacles and find the happiness they seek.
  20. International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the beauty, wisdom, and strength possessed by every woman. May they always be blessed.
  21. May every step taken by women worldwide lead them towards freedom, justice, and the equality they strive for.
  22. In our prayers, we ask for women worldwide to be given the courage to inspire, lead, and change the world for the better.
  23. International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the successes, resilience, and dreams of women worldwide. May they continue to be an inspiration to future generations.
  24. May every woman in the world feel respected and supported for their contributions in advancing society.
  25. In our prayers, we ask for women worldwide to be given the strength to demand change and fight for their rights with determination.
  26. International Women's Day is a time to honor, celebrate, and pray for women worldwide who have made significant contributions to advancing society.
  27. May every step towards gender equality be respected and supported by all, so that women worldwide can live free from discrimination and violence.
  28. In our prayers, we ask for every woman to be given the courage to pursue their dreams, overcome obstacles, and create positive change in the world.
  29. International Women's Day is a time to reflect on the achievements, challenges, and dreams of women worldwide. May they continue to be unsung heroes.
  30. May every woman in the world be given the strength to fight for their rights, uphold their dignity, and achieve true success in all aspects of life.
  31. In our prayers, we ask for women worldwide to be given the courage to confront injustice, advocate for equality, and build a better world for all.
  32. International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the strength, wisdom, and beauty of women worldwide. May they continue to shine brightly.
  33. May every woman in the world feel appreciated and supported for their value and contributions in society.
  34. In our prayers, we ask for women worldwide to be given the strength to fight against injustice, demand equality, and fight for their rights with unwavering determination.
  35. International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the successes, struggles, and courage of women worldwide. May they always be blessed and protected.
  36. May every woman in the world feel respected, supported, and inspired to achieve their limitless dreams.
  37. In our prayers, we ask for women worldwide to be given the courage to pursue their dreams, overcome obstacles, and build a better future.
  38. International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the achievements, wisdom, and beauty of women worldwide. May they continue to shine brightly.
  39. May every step taken by women worldwide lead them towards freedom, equality, and happiness they deserve.
  40. In our prayers, we ask for women worldwide to be given the strength to overcome any obstacles and find the true happiness they seek.
  41. International Women's Day is a time to honor, support, and pray for women worldwide. May they continue to be a source of inspiration for many.
  42. May every woman in the world feel appreciated, supported, and respected for their worth and contributions in society.
  43. In our prayers, we ask for women worldwide to be given the courage to speak up, take action, and fight for their rights with strong determination.
  44. International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the achievements, inspiration, and courage of women worldwide. May they continue to make history.
  45. May every step taken by women worldwide lead them towards peace, equality, and justice everlasting.
  46. In our prayers, we ask for women worldwide to be given the strength to change the world into a better place for all.
  47. International Women's Day is a time to reflect on the achievements, resilience, and determination of women worldwide. May they continue to succeed.
  48. May every woman in the world feel supported, valued, and inspired to keep moving forward and achieve their dreams.
  49. In our prayers, we ask for women worldwide to be given the strength to overcome any obstacles and build a better future.
  50. International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the successes, inspiration, and courage of women worldwide. May they always be blessed.
  51. May every woman in the world feel appreciated and supported in their efforts to achieve their full potential.
  52. In our prayers, we ask for women worldwide to be given the courage to pursue their dreams and fight for their rights with strong determination.
  53. International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the achievements, inspiration, and courage of women worldwide. May they continue to shine.
  54. May every step taken by women worldwide lead them towards equality, peace, and happiness everlasting.
  55. In our prayers, we ask for women worldwide to be given the strength to overcome any obstacles and find the true happiness they seek.
  56. International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the successes, struggles, and courage of women worldwide. May they continue to set a shining example.
  57. May every woman in the world feel appreciated, supported, and respected for their value and contributions in society.
  58. In our prayers, we ask for women worldwide to be given the courage to pursue their dreams, overcome obstacles, and achieve their aspirations.
  59. International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the achievements, inspiration, and courage of women worldwide. May they continue to make remarkable history.
  60. May every step taken by women worldwide lead them towards equality, peace, and everlasting happiness.

Baca Juga: Generasi Alpha, Anak-Anak Kaum Milenial yang Serba Digital

Ucapan Hari Perempuan Internasional yang Menyentuh Hati

Ilustrasi Perempuan
Foto: Ilustrasi Perempuan (Freepik.com)

Ada juga ucapan Hari Perempuan Sedunia yang menyentuh hati, cocok diberikan kepada ibu dan sahabat.

  1. Seorang gadis yang berani bermimpi besar, akan menjadi wanita yang memiliki visi di masa depan. Selamat Hari Perempuan Internasional!
  2. Selamat hari perempuan sedunia untuk semua perempuan yang telah menginspirasi saya dalam beberapa hal dalam hidup saya.
  3. Tidak ada yang mustahil di dunia ini bagi seorang wanita karena dia dilahirkan dengan dedikasi untuk membuat segalanya menjadi mungkin. Selamat hari perempuan sedunia.
  4. Ketika seorang wanita telah memutuskan bahwa dia bisa melakukan sesuatu, tidak ada yang mustahil baginya. Selamat hari perempuan sedunia.
  5. Seorang wanita memiliki kekuatan untuk menginspirasi banyak hati dengan pekerjaannya yang baik. Selamat hari perempuan sedunia untuk semua perempuan di luar sana.
  6. Feminisme tidak bersaing dengan laki-laki dalam masalah yang salah, itu membuktikan bahwa kemauan kita tidak kalah. Selamat Hari Perempuan Internasional!
  7. Meski gagal - kamu berdiri. Meskipun sedih - kamu bergembira. Meski sakit - kamu terus berjuang! Teruslah bermimpi untuk terbang lebih tinggi mencapai ketinggian baru. Selamat Hari Perempuan Internasional
  8. Wanita terlihat memesona karena wajahnya, wanita terlihat manis karena senyum yang dimilikinya, wanita terlihat cantik karena fisik yang dimilikinya, wanita terlihat sempurna karena kesetiaan hati yang dimilikinya. Selamat Hari Wanita Internasional.
  9. Wanita cerdas belajar dari kegagalannya, tersenyum di saat-saat terendahnya, dan tumbuh lebih kuat saat menghadapi tantangan. Kamu adalah salah satu dari mereka. Selamat Hari Perempuan Sedunia!
  10. Di Hari Perempuan ini, izinkan kami meluangkan waktu untuk menghargai pencapaian besar Anda sebagai wanita yang kuat, penyayang, dan pekerja keras. Selamat Hari Perempuan Sedunia!

Baca Juga: 10 Rekomendasi Sepatu Anak Perempuan yang Lucu dan Nyaman

Itu dia Moms ucapan Hari Perempuan Internasional yang bisa Moms berikan. Selamat Hari Perempuan Sedunia, Moms!

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